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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| March 2d 1869 #29 | Brown, J.M. Bvt Maj and D.O. March 2nd returned with letter of revocation enclosed to date March 31st 1869. to which date Major Bron is authorized to grant a leave of absence to Mr Collins | Washington, D.C. March 1st 1869 Recommends revocation of appointment of T J Collins, clerk to date April 1st 1869. |

| March 8th 1869 #30. | Banks Chas. W. 1 enclo March 8th Retd. There are no vacancy existing in this Bureau and no appointments will be made. | New York March 6th 1869. Requests appointment as Agent of Bureau for settlement of cold soldiers claims for state of La. Was Chief Clerk for Asst Com'r. of La for 2 years  Is now Inspt. of Customs at New York, but expects to be removed by New collector, he having no political influence. |

| March 12th 1869. #31. | Baynes James. see B4. March 13th Returned, with official copy of the endorsement in this case. | Baltimore Md. March 11th 1869. Calls attention to his request for transfer of certain Goverment property in Baltimore to the Trustees of his Association and request that an early reply &c |

| March 9th 1869. #32. * | Baden Phil. H. file. see P.L.B. Vol 6. March 11" 1869 | Brooklyn N.Y., March 14th 1869. Asks what requirements are for teachers going South to teach freedmen? and makes application for such an appointment |

| March 22d 1869 #33. | Barnes A.S. & Co. Publishers see L 332. Vol 13 see L 48 Vol 14 & B 189 Vol 15 March 23d Referred to A.C. of La. for report by what authority a clerk made purchases of books for freedmens schools. | New York March 20th 1869 Requests information concerning Chas. A. Myers. late Bureau Agent at New Orleans La. and whether his claim against the Gov't. has been allowed. He owes their firm $1250. for articles furnished Freedmen's Schools &c and promised to pay upon allowance of his claim. |

| March 26th 1869. #34. | Brite Joseph and others. Petitioners 1 enclo March 29th Referred to A.C. of Va. for report and recommendation. If the building is to be used for a col'd school possibly some aid may be rendered. Apl 13th Rec'd back with report EB p 364 Vol 5. | Portsmouth, Va. Feby 22d 1869. States that their church building, known as Indian Chapel, was destroyed by the Union forces in 1863, and petition the Comr to grant them an appropriation of $500.00 to rebuild the same. Their people, the remnant of an Indian tribe have always been loyal to the Government. Favorably endorsed by Jno O Lawrence, Post Master, Jno C. Neville, members of City Council &c and Revd C.S. Williams, Thos. H. Haynes, James Mitchell and L.M. Nickerson. |

| March 27th 1869 #35. | Browne A.K. March 27th Returned. The Com'r. has no legal authority to retain the pay of any employee. | Washington March 25th 1869. Requests that the pay due Calvin W Brown clerk may be retained. |