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[[3 Columned  Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 17th 1869 #32. | Cheney Ednah D. Sec'y Teachers Com. April 21st Referred to C.Q.M. | Atlanta, Ga. April 14th 1869. Asks that the building in Columbus, Ga known as the Claflin School be transferred to the Trustees holding the land for a school without distinction ofclor. Also asks that all other buildings erected by the Bureau and used by Freedmens Union Commission may be transferred to that Society onto Trustees of Schools &c. address No 8 Studio Building, Boston, Mass. |

| April 20th 1869 #33. | Crossman J.H. April 27th Referred to Maj. D.G. Swaim A.D.C. | Washington D.C. April 25th 1869. Stated that the sale of the buildings at corner of "M" Street North and 4th Street East occupied by freedmen will result in depriving them of the right of suffrage at the coming election |

| April 21st 1869 #34. * | Clark S.N. Filed Revoked to date May 15th 1869 See. L. B vol5 April 26th 1869. | Chicago Ill. April 21st 1869 Resigns as Special Agent to date May 31st 1969 and requests an order to cover his journey to that place | 

| April 22nd 1869 #35. * | Clark S.N. Filed. | Chicago Ill Apl 21st 1869. Declines, on account of family considerations, the appointment as Supt of Education in Tenn. |

| May 1st 1869 #36. * | Chaplin Jeremiah May 3rd REferred E.W. Mason Supt of Ed of La for report and recommendation. Recd back with report file | New Orleans, La., April 26th 1869, States that he has been employed nearly four years at that place instructing colored Baptist Preachers that he has been requested by the Board of the Am. Home Missions do act in their behalf for the erection of a building for the education of colored people in N.O. particularly females, also a school to qualify teachers for schools in country parishes. The Baptists have never received any appropriation from Govt. the Home Mission Society at N.Y. have appropriated $2500.00 for the purchase of land in N.O. |

| April 26th 1869 #37. * | Croxton R.E.A. Bt. Lt. Col. Comdg 44 Infty. 2 enclo Filed | Camp Grant. Va. April 24th 1869. Transmits final statements of privates Fred Rinehart & Jno Ryan. Co "A", Hugh McMannus Co "A" L. Schneider Co "B" Wm Hoffman James Monroe & Wm O'Brien Co "C" States that H.N. Rothery was transferred to Genl Service pr S.O. 61. A.G.O. Mar 16th 69. | 

| May 3d 1869 #38. | Cheney E.D. Secy. Teachers Com. 1 enclo | Charleston S.C. April 28th 1869. Asks if the Bureau will aid the school on Mr. Fred Eustis plantation. Has having assistance from the Bureau. The school is now held in a little frame building only sufficient to eccomodate about 40 children wile about 200 desire to attend, that they are in need of a school furniture, desks &c. The Society will furnish teachers. |