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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 2d 1868 #1. | Gillette Charles. Jany 6th Returned. This Bureau has no authority to grant the transportation requested. | New York Dec 31st 1868. Asks transportation, in order that he may visit and inspect schools in Va. North and South Carolina. |

| Jany 5th 1869. #2. * | Georgia J R. Lewis Col. See H 38. Vol 16. 2 enclo Jany 5th Referred to C.M.O. for examination. Jany 12th Recd. back with report. E.B. p 264 Vol. 5. Rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Atlanta Jany 2d 1869. Forwards approved, account of Dr. L.D. Little for professional services amounting to $16. | 

| Jany 4th, 1869. #3. | Georgia J.R. Lewis. Col. 1 enclo Jany 6th Referred to C.M.O. | Atlanta. Dec 31st 1868. Forwards Inventory and Inspection report of Hospital and Medical property for which Dr. M.F. Bower is responsible. |

| Jany 6th 1869. #4. | Graham J.H. 1 enclo. Jany 6th Returned. E.B p 254. Vol 5. | Washington Jany 5th 1869. Forwards letter of W.C. Stripe of Keokuk. Iowa. requesting copy of official inquiry relative to the falling of the "Howard Institution" if the same be published &c. |

| Jany 8th 1869. #5. |Georgia J.R. Lewis. Col. 1 enclo. Jany 11th Returned approved by Secy of War. | Atlanta Jany 5th 1869. Forwards vouchers of C.F. Goode Esq. for $100. for services rendered as Attorney in prosecuting John T. Lumkins. for shooting 3 freedmen, with recommendation that authority be granted to pay the same. |

| Jany 11th 1869. #6. | Georgia J.R. Lewis. Col. Jany 12th Returned with amended letter of revocation which the Asst. Com'r with substitute for the one already received. | Atlanta Jany 6th 1869. Forwards letter Linus North. late Agent requesting that the order relieving him from duty be modified so as to read Dec 5th he being on duty until that date. Recommended. |

| Jany 12th 1869. #7. | Georgia. C.T. Watson. D.O & A.A.Q.M. 10 Enclo | Atlanta Jany 9th 1869. Jany 12th 1869 #8. | Forwards for approval of the Secy of War accounts of Samuel Bard for job printing executed: and advertisements inserted by his orders |

| Jany 12th 1869 #8. | Georgia J.R. Lewis, Col. Jany 12th Referred to C.Q.M. | Atlanta Jany 8th 1869. Requests information as to whether transportation has been issued for Hannah White (col'd) and six children from Atlanta, Ga. to Wilmington, N.C. where her father John Neal alias Heale was able to support her and children: was applied for by Col. Rutherford. The papers in the case were returned by Com'r. with endorsement stating that her father could not be found (Sept. 21st 1868.) Col Rutherford has since found her father who is able and willing to support her and her children, and renews his request for transportation. |

| Jany 15th 1869. #9. | Gale David 1 enclo Jany 15th To Major Swain A.S.C. | Princess Anne. M.D. Jany 13th 1869. Reports that two of his children (boy & girl) were bound without their parents consent & that he is unable to obtain possession of them. His boy is held by Jno E. Covington & the girl by Benj Foxel. both of then reside near Princess Anne. Md. |