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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 13th 1869 #7. * | Menard J. Willis, 1 enclo File. See L.B. Vol 5. Jany 16th 1869. | New Orleans La. Jany 8th 1869. Requests the Comr. to deny statement that he was furnished transportation by the Bureau from Washington to N.O., |  

| Jany 21st 1869 #8. * | Moore J. Aaron File. See L B Vol 5. Jany 22d 1869. | Meridian, Miss. Jany 15th 1869. States that himself and family are much in need and requests the Comr. to assist them. &c. | 

| Jany 26th 1869 #9 | Warden Geo W. Jany 26th Referred to Wm. B. Drew. In charge of claim Dis, with request to know if anything can be done for the applicant. Jany 30" Rec'd back with reports E.B. p.285. vol5. | Washington D.C. Jany 26th 1869. Inquires if any thing can be done in the case of Mortimer Shaw. discharged from 1st Regt. U.S.C.T., on account of physical debility. who has lost his claim papers which would haave secured for him some seventy dollars. | 

| Jany 29" 1869. #10 | Mc Clelland John. Jany 29th Returned. The Comr. of the Bureau has no jurisdiction in the case. Lieut Bennett should be proceeded against in the civil courts of Ala. | Denipolis.[[Demopolis]] Ala. Jany 28th 1869 States that he boarded an enlisted man who was on duty with Lieut Bennett. 15th Infty and that he expected that Lieut Bennett to be responsible for the same, asks action of the Bureau. |

| Jany 30th 1869. #11 | Mississippi. A. C. Gillem. Genl. Feby 1st, No appointments have been made - non were necessary. all whose discharges were not received, remain on duty. | Vicksburg. Jany 26th 1869. Reports the appointments of officers and clerks to be retained under Cir. 11. which the Comr. informed him had been sent, have not yet been received. Surmises that they may have been stolen from the mail by a clerk at that office, |

| Feby 6" 1869 #12. | Mississippi. A. C. Gillem. Genl. Feby 6th Returned with letter of revocation & appointment. | Vicksburg. Jany 30th 1869 Forwards approved letter of M. Kritchmar clerk tendering his resignation to take effect Jany 7th 1869. With request that Julius Junkerman be appointed in his stead at $100 per month, he having served in the army during the war, and was one of the clerks discharged under provisions of Circular 10. |

| Feby 9" 1869 #13. | Mississippi. A. C. Gillem. Genl. 6 enclo File. | Vicksburg, Feby 1" 1869. Submits report of Refugees, Freedmen, Officers Agents, and Clerks for the month of December 1868. |

| Feby 6th 1869 #14. * | Mississippi A. C. Gillem. Genl. See A518. vol5 1 enclo File. see S.O. 18 Feby 6. 1869. | Vicksburg Feby 1st 1869. Forwards letter of Dr. E. A. Duncan, stating that the Comr hopes to be able to gratify his desire to come to Washington upon the approval of the Asst Comr. of Miss. With recommendation that Surg Duncan be ordered to Washington for the purpose of settling his accounts. &c |