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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 15th 1869. #15. | Myers W.W. late A.A. Surg. BRFAL. Feby 15th Referred to A.C. of N.C. who will cause the account to be settled. March 19" Rec'd back with report EB p 336. Vol 5. | Pittsburg Penn. Feby 5th 1869. Calls attention to the refusal of the D.O. of N.C. to re-imburse him to the amount of $72. he having contracted a bill to that amount for travelling expenses in visiting the Bureau Orphan Asylum near Wilmington N.C. on professional duty. The D.O. refuses to settle the amount on the ground that Myer was reported sick during the period that these journeys were alleged to have been made, notwithstanding Col Rutherford certified that there were &c &c. |

| Feby 17th 1869. #16. | Marston Gilman Feby 17th Referred to Mrs J.S. Griffing Agent. | Exter, N.H. Feby 13th 1869. Refers letter of J.N. Towll, who desires to obtain colored servants. |

| Feby 24th 1869 #22 | Mississippi A.C. Gillem Genl. see A 70. 1 enclo Feby 28 Returned E.B p 34. Vol 5. | Vicksburg Feby 19th 1869 Forwards request of Genl C.H Howard Asst. Ins. of Schools, and Secy. Am. Miss. Association, that J.P. Bardwell, be put upon the rolls of this Bureau in the state of Miss. as Asst Inspt. of schools for Miss & Ark without pay, so that he may be furnished transportation  For information whether he has authority to give orders for the transportation as herein requested. |

| Feby 24" 1869 #23. | Mississippi A.C. Gillem Genl. To Mr Alvord. | Vicksburg Feby 15th 1869 Submits school report for the month of January 1869 |

| March 1" 1869 #24 | Mississippi A.C. Gillem. Genl. File. | Vicksburg Feby 24th 1869. Submits roster of Officers and Civilians on duty in that state, Feby 1st 1869. |

| March 11" 1869 #25. | Mac Rae Donald Adm'r see M 309 Vol 13. M 26. March 12th Returned, with the information that no such recommendation has been made. | Wilmington N.C. March 9" 1869. States that upon the restoration of land belonging to estate of Alex Mac Rae by Freedmen's Bureau, the Agent through that the estate was justly entitled to compensation from use of said property, and inquires whether he has made such a recommendation. |

| March 18th 1869. #26. | Mc Rae Donald Aminstrator &c See M 25 2 enclo See P.L.B Vol 6. March 18" 1869 March 19" Referred to A.C. of N.C. for settlement. | Wilmington N.C. March 16" 1869. Forwards duplicate of comn. of Capt Allan Rutherford S.A.C. recommending payment of the sum of $50.00 for the use of land lately occupied by the Medical Department of the Bureau, and states that Col Johnson upon sale of the buildings, refused to endorse Capt Rutherford's recommendation. |