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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 3d 1869. #35. * | Mississippi A. Ames. Genl. See M 41. See L.B Vol 5. April 6th 1869. Filed. | Vicksburg March 29th. 1869. Recommends that the appointment of Dr. E.A. Duncan as Asst Surgeon be revoked as the duties can be performed by the Medical Director of the 4th Military District. |

| April 3d 1869. #36. * | Mr. Keel Frank. Filed see P.L.B. Vol 5. Apl 3d 1869 | Stonington Conn. April 1st 1869. Requests employment as school teacher in the south. |

| April 8th 1869 #37. | McDowell J.L. Supt. Pub Inst. 1 enclo April 9th Returned EBp 359. Vol 5. | McLemorsville, Tenn. April 2d 1869  Requests that a continuation of the educational department of the Bureau in Tenn. be granted. |

| April 8th 1869 #38. | McAllister and Henderson Attorny and Solicitors. See W. 153 6 enclo See F. 136 Vol 13 See PLB Vol 8 Apl. 10th 69 April 10th Referred to A.C. of La. for report. May 15th. recd back with report. EBp 400 Vol 5. | Washington D.C. April 9th 1869. Enclosed letter from Gustave Arnheim Claims Agent at New Orleans. La. and  asks advice as to the collection of certain monies ($2107.18) due freedmen by Col H.W. Frisbie for labor on plantation in Rapides Parish, La. States that 48 bales of Cotton raised were seized by Bureau Agent and shipped to A.W. Mansfield of New Orleans, sold by the latter and no[[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] part of the proceeds turned over to the freedmen. though the latter has gone into bankruptcy it is believed the money can be collected by proper action by the Bureau or by prosecution of Mr. Mansfield in the Courts. |

| April 9 1869 #39. * | Mississippi A. Ames, Genl. Telegram Filed. see L.B. Vol 5. April 9th 1869. | Vicksburg April 7th 1869. Asks if the Com'r will authorize the payment of cost of transportation for W.O. Grace (resigned) from Jackson Miss to Richmond, Va |

| April 17th #40 | Mississippi A. Ames Genl See W. Vol 55. April 20th Returned E.B p 370. Vol 5. | Jackson April 10th 1869. Forwards comn of Edward Williams Agt of the Society of Ohio Yearly meeting of Orthodox friends. Asks the Bureau for an appropriation of $2043.72. to improve the school property at Jackson Miss and for material and labor. recommends an appropriation of $1000. to aid the schools referred to |

| April 17th 1869. #41 | Mississippi. A. Ames Genl See W. 35. April 17th Referred to C.M.O. See EBp 379. Vol 5. April 20th Recd back with report. EBp 372. Vol 5. | Jackson Miss. April 13th 1869. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 6th inst. requesting him to communicate his views relative to the discharge of Dr. E.A. Duncan. States that he thinks his services can be dispensed with and result in no injury to the Hospital Department but in economy to the Government. | 

| April 21st 1869. #42. | Mississippi. A. Ames, Genl. Filed in Mr Alvord's room, | Vicksburg April 17th 1869. Submits report of schools for the month of Mch 69 |