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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 19th #81 Recd. back July 26. | Miller, Ed late Capt. 15th V.R.C. 3 Encls See L.B. Vol. 5. July 27th 69. File July 22nd Ret'd to Capt M for inf. as to what position under Govt. he desires an appt. to. | East New York, L.I. July 15th 1869  States that he was mustered out of service in Jany '68 without being informed of the privilege given officers to remain in the Bu. as civil agents, & has since been unable to obtain employment, &c, &c. |

| July 22nd #82 | Missouri F.A. Seely. Disb'g Officer see S.O. 105 July 22/69. July 22d Returned with order enclosed as requested. | St Louis Mo. July 19th '69 Requests order to proceed to Cairo Ill. & thence to Cincinnati O. on public business. |

| July 19th #83 * | Missouri, F.A. Seely. Disb'g Officer. See L.B. Vol 5 July 19th 69 & M 73 File | St. Louis, Mo. July 10th 1869. Refers to the matter of which he wrote several days ago, & states, that if approved, he can obtain the services of Mr. Turner (cold) for about 6 weeks | 

| July 26th #84 | McClelland, A.C. Secy. A.C.F. July 27th Referred to J.W. Alvord | Pittsburg Pa. July 24th 1869 Requests for use of the Association maps of Va. Ga. N & S.C. & Tenn. |

| July 29th #85 | McCleery, James Supt. Education. July 30th Referred to C.D.O. Recd Back see EB Vol 5 P 501. | Shreveport La. July 19th 1869. Requests authority to rent building at $50. per month for office purposes. |

| July 29th #86 | McCleery, James Supt. Edn. July 30th Retd. with copy as requested. E.B. vol. 5 p 477 | Shreveport La. July 17 '69 Requests copy of the Bureau Manual. |

| July 29th 1869. #87 * | McCleery, James Supt. Education July 30th Referred to J.W Alvord for perusal - return for file. Recd back. Filed | Shreveport La. July 18th 1869. States that but little educational work has been done in the field to which he has been assigned & that reliance must be placed mainly in the cold. teachers owing the prejudice against white teachers of cold. schools, &c. &c. &c. |

| July 30th #88 | Mississippi H.R. Pease Supt. Education July 31st Referred to J W Alvord for perusal. ret. for file. | Vicksburg Miss July 25th 1869. Forwards semi annual report of the operations of Educational Dept in Miss. |

| July 31st #89 | Mississippi H.R. Pease. Supt. Education. Augt 2nd Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Vicksburg Miss. July 20th 1869 Forwards report of operations in Educational Dept. |