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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 3d 1869 #15. | North Carolina N. A. Miles Genl.  See N 19. Telegram Feby 3d Returned for reasons in full by letter. The telegraph will be used only when necessary | Raleigh Feby 2d 1869. Recommends that A. W. McKilliss be relieved and T. D. McAlpine formerly Agent at Charlotte be reappointed. |

| Feby 4" 1869 #16. * | North Carolina N. A. Miles. Genl  See H 32 Feby 4th Returned E.B. p 293. Vol 5. Feby 12" Rec'd back with report. Filed. Lee L.B. March 9th 1869. | Raleigh Feby 2d 1869. Requests that W. W. Thomas, late clerk in off. Supt. Ed be reappointed, his services being greatly needed, and that H. W. Walton, clerk, be relieved from duty in the Bureau, his services being no longer required. |

| Feby 5th 1869. #16. | North Carolina N. A. Miles. Gen'l.  Returned E.B p 296. Vol 5. | Raleigh Feby 2d 1869. Forwards letter of Bt. Major. Allan Rutherford S.A.C. requesting that he be authorized to purchase Subsistence Stores for the use of the Bureau Orphan Asylum for the month of Feby 1869. at least to the amount of $120.00  For information as to whether he is authorized to order the purchase of monthly supplies for the Orphan Asylum. |

| Feby 8th 1869. #18. | North Carolina N. A. Miles, Genl.  Feby 8th Referred to A.Q.M. | Raleigh Feby 5th 1869. Requests authority to sell the following articles, (means of transportation) there being no further use for the same. 2 Horses. 2 sets ambulance Harnesses. 1 saddle. and 1 Bridle. |

| Feby 8" 1869. #19. | North Carolina N. A. Miles Genl.  See N 15. Feby 8th Returned with appointment and letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Raleigh Feby 5th 1869. Recommends that the appointment of A W. McKillip as Asst Supt of Schools be revoked, and that T. D. McAlpine, be appointed in his place. States that this change is for the interest of the Bureau. |

| Feby 9" 1869 #20. | Noohana Sam'l. 3 enclo  To Maj. Swain. | Wilmington Del. Feby 8th 1869. Encloses written complaint against Anthony Ingram. Milford, Del. for retention of Joseph Young, who was bound to Ingram, Sep't. 10" 1867. to serve 18 years. Suggests that a copy of Judge Chase's decision be sent to Ingram. |

| Feby 10th 1869 #21. | North Carolina N. A. Miles. Genl. by Capt Jas McClury, D.O. Feby 10th Referred to AC. of N.C. | Raleigh. Feby 8th 1869. Asks to be furnished with copies of all orders and Circulars issued by the Com'r since the organization of the Bureau. |

| Feby 17" 1869. #22d | North Carolina N. A. Miles. Genl 1 enclo,  Feby 18th Returned to A.C. of N.C. who is authorized to make a supplementary contract, if justice demands it. | Raleigh Feby 15th 1869. Forwards statement showing expenses incurred ($5663.00) by Messrs Ellison & Norwood, Contractors in erecting the St Augustine Normal School building at Raleigh. N.C. which is $1,663.00 in excess of their estimate ($4000.) Requests that, if possible, they be secured against the loss which they are unable to sustain, |