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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 28" 1869. #60. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Schools. 3 enclo May 31st Returned approved. | Raleigh May 26th 1869. Forwards letter of Mr E. Legg, enclosing a petition of colored citizens of Smithville N.C. for an appropriation of $500. for erection of school house at that place. With recommendation that the petition be granted. |

| May 28th 1869 #61. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Schools. 1 enclo May 31" Returned approved. | Raleigh May 25" 1869. Forwards petition of Edward Luke and two others, for the Bureau to expend $35.00 to repair school building near Snow Hill, N.C. and furnish desks and seats for the same. With recommendation that the petition be granted. |

| May 31" 1869. #62. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Ed. June 1" Returned with appointment at $125. per month enclosed. | Raleigh May 27" 1869. Forwards recommended, request of Wm P. Wetherell, clerk, for an increase of his salary which is $100. per month. With remark. Mr W. has been & is, an efficient and comptent clerk, and is every way deserving &c. |

| May 31" 69 #63 | North Carolina L.E. Rice Asst Supt of Ed. 2 encl June 1" Returned. This application and all official papers should be forwarded through the office of Dr. Vogell Supt of Ed for N.C. who can state what has already been done for this school. | Wilmington May 25" 1869 Recommends an appropriation of $350. to meet deficit of the present year for Free White schools of Miss Amy M. Bradly at Wilmington N.C. |

| May 31" 1869 #64. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell, Supt of Ed. June 1" Returned. E.B p. 419. vol 5. | Raleigh May 26th 1869. Forwards petition of Revd Jno S Mitchell Supt. M.E. Church Mission, for an appropriation of $2,500. or $3,000. to establish a Normal School in Davidson Co N.C. For this amount, Yadkin college, a brick edifice, 40 x 60 ft & two stories high with suitable grounds &c can be purchased and put in complete repair. It is situated on the Yadkin River, 9 miles from Lexington N.C. With recommendation that an appropriation of $2,000. be made for the purpose, with condition that it shall be perpetuated for the education of freedmen. |

| June 1" 1869 #65. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. see P 65. see P.L.B Vol 6. May 27" 1869. Filed. | Raleigh. May 29" 1869. States, that he has received a com'n from Mrs Lowell, asking for aid, and he has taken measures to ascertain what was needed; that the "Griffin Asylum" might be rented or purchased at a low figure; that he has opened negotiations with the Trustees, that the building is of brick with ample grounds, situated near Cedar Grove Cemetery. |

| June 10th 1869 #66. | North Carolina H.C Vogell. Supt of Ed. 2 enclo | Raleigh June 8th 1869. Forwards request of James Hays and two others, of Boon Hill for aid to the amount of $50. to pay for a lot of land upon which their school house is situated. With recommendation that $50. be appropriated for repairs of this school building, this is a sad case and deserves the appropriation. June 1" Returned. Dr. Vogell is authorized to expend $50. for repairs on the school house at Boon Hill, N.C. |