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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 11th 1869 #67. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. 2 enclo June 12th Retd approved Dr Vogell is authorized to expend $400.00 at Greenville in the usual manner. | Raleigh. June 9th 1869 Forwards petition of Byron Laflin, on behalf of freedmen of Greenville. Pitt. Co. N.C. for an appropriation of $400.00 to enable them to erect a school building. With the recommendation that the petition be granted. The village is situated on Tar River 23 miles from Tarboro, the nearest railroad communication.
Invites attention to letter of Miss Susan Clapp enclosed. |

| June 11th 1869 #68. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. June 11th Returned (thro Dr Vogell) with the information that the Bureau does not employ teachers. | Raleigh June 9th 1869 Forwards letter of C.T. Leonard of Williamsfield. Ohio, asking if the Bureau is making any engagements with old and experienced Teachers and what salaries are paid. |

| June 14th 1869 #69. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. 3 enclo June 14th Returned to Dr H.C. Vogell approved | Raleigh June 11th 1869. Recommends he appropriation of $35. instead of $20, for completion of school house at Durham N.C. |

| June 16th 1869. #70. | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education June 16th Referred to J.W. Alvord to Genl Supt Education | Raleigh. N.C. June 14th 1869. Forwards letter of Gallus Thomann for appt. as teacher, & recommends that he receive an appt. where his Education & talents could be made available in the elevation of the cold &c &c. |

| June 17th 69 #71 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Ed June 18th Returned to Major J.M Brown D.O. inviting attention to endts | Raleigh N.C. June 5th 1869 Returns comn of Mareen Prather who writes relative to her son Frank Smith who is in one of the Hospitals at Raleigh in a deranged condition. States her son is subject to fits and at times insane and if his friends are able to send for him they better do so. he has no Money. |

| June 19th 1869  #72 * | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Ed Filed. See L.B. Vol. 5 June 21/69. | Raleigh June 17th 1869 Forwards communication from Mr Ashly State Supt of Public Instruction, relative to Public Schools, for consideration of the Commissioner Filed. |

| June 22nd 69 #73 | North Carolina H.C. Vogell Supt of Ed  June 23rd Referred to Genl G.W. Balloch C.Q.O. | Raleigh June 10th 69 Forwards comn of H.L. Grant Enclosing check of Capt James McCleery late D.O. and states that payment of same has been refused by National Bank at Raleigh. States there are other checks of the same description. asks instructions what course to pursue |

| June 22nd 69 #74 | Niles J 48 East 24th St | New York City June 21st 1869. Requests information relative to procuring a farm hand (Colored) June 23rd Referred to Mrs Griffing. |