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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 9th 1869 #1. * | Qr Mr Genl's Office. M.C. Meigs. Q.M. General Jany 11th Referred to A.C. of Va. for any information in his possession. Jany 27" Rec'd. back with report. EB p 279 Vol 5. Feby 12th Rec'd back Filed | Washington Jany 6th 1869. Refers affidavit of Lt. Frank A Page, 44th Infty of forgery of certain vouchers in the accounts of Capt Stuart Barnes, A.Q.M. U.S. Vol. with endorsement stating that accounts of Capt Barnes rendered to that office in 1866 consist only of accounts current received and expended without expenditures whatever. Presumes that the disbursements were made under appropriation of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. |

| Jany 11th 1869 #2. | Qr. Mr. Genl's Office J.J. Dana, Genl. & Q.M. 2 enclo Jany 11th Returned with information that the copy of telegram enclosed, is the only authority on file in this office detailing Capt Bohn for duty in this Bureau. | Washington Jany 7th 1869. Refers claim of Capt H G Bohn A.Q.M. of Vols. for commutation of fuel and quarters at St Louis, Mo. for Nov 1865, $58.20 for copy of order assigning Capt Bohn to duty in Freedmen's Bureau at St. Louis Mo. |

| Jany 9th 1869. #3. | Quentin J.E. Lieut. 45th Infty. Jany 11th Referred to C.D.O. Jany 12th Rec'd. back with report E.B p 264. Vol 5. | Wilmington Del. Jany 8th 1869. Wishes a copy of endorsement ordering the D.O. of Fla. to pay milage, &c. |

| Feby 13th 1869 #4. | Q.M. Genl's Office M.C. Meigs. Q.M. Genl. see S 34. Feby 16th Referred to Maj J.M. Brown D.O. who will turn over the horses to Genl McFerran when no longer needed for public service. | Washington D.C. Feby 12th 1869. Requests that the Com'r. cause the horses now in the possession of Bt. Maj. J.M. Brown and which Bt. Capt Sladen desires to purchase, to be turned over to Bt. Brig Genl J.H McFerran, Deputy Q.M. Genl. to whom instructions have been given to sell the same, as requested, if not needed for the public service. |

| Feby 17th 1869 #5. | Q.M. Genl's Office James A. Ekin, Genl. see Q6. 4 enclo Retd. E.B p 308. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Feby 15th 1869. Refers for remarks and recommendation letter of Genl R Saxton enclosing with remarks, proceedings of a board of survey fixing price on a building at Darlington S.C. at $350 and recommends that the building be turned over to Freedmen's Bureau upon payment of appraised value. |

| March 15" 1869 #6 * | Qr. Mr. Genl's Office Genl. J.A. Ekin Depty Q.M.G. See Q5. H37. T66. Filed. copy furnished A.C. of S.C. | Washington March 12th 1869. States that Bt Brig Genl. R. Saxton Ch. Q.M. &c at Atlanta, Ga. has been directed to transfer to E.L. Deane D.O. for S.C. upon payment of $380. the building at Darlington S.C. as requested by the Com'r. |

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 161