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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 17th 1869 #7. | Qr. Mr. Genl's Office M.C. Meigs. Qr. Mr. Genl. March 17" Referred to C.Q.M. for immediate report and action | Washington March 13" 1869 Requests that if no longer needed, the 25 or 30 buildings belonging to the Qr. Mr. Dept. now use by the Freedmen's Bureau in this city, be turned over to the Post Quartermaster of the Dept. of the Washington. |

| April 6" 1869 #8. | Qr. Mr. Genl's Office. Jas A Ekin. Genl. see L.44. EB p 306. Vol 5. | Washington April 3d 1869. Refers for remarks, letter of Bt. Lt. Col E.J. Strong A.Q.M. at New Orleans, La. requesting that Stables and workshops in that city no longer required by Freedmen's Bureau be temporarily transferred to the Qr. Mr. Dept. |

| April 21st 1869 #9. | Qr. Mr. Genl's. Office. James A Ekin, Genl. April 22d Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington April 14th 1869. Refers letter of J.M. Johnson, stating that he wishes to purchase Govt building on 6th Street between M & N, that he will pay $50 for them, to ascertain whether the buildings referred to within are not the property of the Freedmen's Bureau. |

| May 14" 1869 #10. | Qr Mr. Genl's Office. J.A Ekin, Dpt Q.M. Genl. See B.49. May 14" To Major J.M. Brown. | Washington May 11" 1869. States that Genl McFerran has been instructed to sell to Bureau R.F. & A.L. 14 horses, 6 riding bridles, 6 riding saddles, & ambulance, 2 wagons (2 horse) and 4 sets of wheel harnesses. Copy of order to Genl McFerran, herewith enclosed. |

| July 1st 69 #11 | Qr Mr Genls Office J.J Dana Q.M. July 2nd Referred to Major J.M. Brown D.O & A.Q.M | Washington D.C June 30" 69 Informs the Commissioner that authority having been granted by the Secy of War Bvt. Brig Genl J.C. McFerran D.Q.M. Genl in this city has been directed to sell at cost price the blank forms specified in his requisitions of the 12th and 14th insts respectfully |