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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 9th 1869. #22 * | Reyburn Robt. C.M.O. Filed. See L.B. Vol 5. April 9th 1869. | Washington April 9th Requests that Hospital Steward Robt. O'Sullivan be directed to report to him for duty. |

| April 1869 #23. | Rust Rev R.S. Secy F.A. Society See F 52. E.B.P 3p. Vol 5. | Cincinnati Ohio April 1869 States that they have secured a beautiful site for a Normal School. containing 20 acres near Holly Springs Mississippi, and that it will be necessary to erect a large building thereon and therefore, asks an appropriation of $10,000 in further and of the same. |

| April 3rd 1869 #24 | Rutherford Allan Capt. and Bt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. Filed. See L.B. Vol 5. April 1869. | Wilmington, N.C. April 2nd, 1869 States in reply to letter from Genl E. Whittlesey asking if he would like the position of Asst Com. for N.C., that of course he would accept the directions of affairs in A.C. Asks in case of his assignment to duty that he be allowed to retain his Head Quarters at Wilmington and sets forth his reasons for making such request. |

| April 28th 1869. #25. | Robinson D.J. (no date) April 26th. Referred to A.C. of Tenn. The letter having no date, it is not known at this office to which it refers. | States that he applied to Col. Thompson to continue rent of their school room $16 per month & was by him referred to the Comr. and that he would recommend it. The school numbers 160, Barn of Hope Oct 58. No other room can be secured & they're will be no grade school if they give up their room. Requests the rent be continued. |

| April 26th, 1869 #26. | Randall Fannie H. See P.L.B. Vol 5. Apr 27th, 1869. Apl 27th Referred to A.C. of Ga. for reply. | (near) Greenville, Ga. April 13th, 1869. Asks what provisions are made for the support of schools in Ga. |

| May 1st 1869. #27. | Roberts C.R. 1 enclo May 1st Referred to C.D.O. | New York  April 30th, 1869 Forward bill for rent of school buildings in Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Amounting to $1230.00 |

| April 28th 1869 #28. * | Rice L.E. Filed. | Wilmington N.C. April 26th 1869 States that he will visit Washington without delay. |

| May 11th, 1869 #29. * | Rice S.E. Asst. Supt of Education 1 enclo Filed. See L.B. Vol 5. May 12th, 1869. | Wilmington N.C. May 8th 1869. States that he has noticed in the newspapers that Dr. Vogell has been appointed Supt of Education and that he in common with his friends regrets that the Comr. has changed his intentions. |

| May 17th 1869 #30 | Reyburn Robt C.M.O. 1 enclo May 18th Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington May 17th 1869. Forwards letter of Dr. A.C. Swartzwelder of N.C. enclosing list of Qr. Mr. Stores for which he is responsible. States that they are of little value, and recommends that they be transferred to Charity Hospital. |