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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 25th 1869 #31. | South Carolina. E. F. Gray In absence of D.O.  Jany 26th Referred to C.D.O. | Columbia. S.C. Jany 22d 1869 Forwards statement of Disbursing account of D.O. of that State, with the Asst U.S. Treas. at Charleston S.C. up to and including Jany 9th 1869. |

| Jany 27th 1869. #32. | South Carolina J. R. Edie. Col. 1 enclo  Jany 27th Returned with authority to issue the orders suggested by him. | Columbia Jany 22d 1869 Forwards letter of Capt Geo. E. Pingree S.A.C, enclosing vouchers for rent of one room as office, for Nov & Dec 1868. @ $10.-$20. With remark. No board of Officers was ever convened to fix the rent of this the room in question. requests authority to issue the necessary orders for a board to fix the rent of the room from Nov 1" 1868 to December 31" 1868 and thus relieve Capt Pingree from the dilemma in which he has placed himself By the change, Capt. Pingree saved $15. per month on his rent. | 

| Jany 27th 1869. #33. | South Carolina J. R. Edie. Col. 3 enclo  Jany 27" Returned E.B. p 280. Vol 5. Feby 19th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 310. Vol 5. | Columbia Jany 22d 1869. Forwards for instructions, letter of A.A. Surg. Geo S Pilzer. enclosing list of stores pertaining to B R.F.A.L., for which he is responsible, and which cannot be issued in consequence of having been stored in Smallpox hospital at Charleston S.C., and requests that they be disposed of in some manner as they are infected, & in his opinion, the Stores would not be condemned if inspected, as they are in good condition, except being infected, Dr. M. K. Hogan recommends that the several articles be sold to the city of Charleston, as they cannot with any degree of safty be disposed of at a general public auction. If not sold to the city, in his opinion they should be destroyed. |


[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 28th 1869. #34. | Sladen J. A Bt. Capt. USA & A.D.C.  See Q 4. Jany 28th Forwarded to Qr Mr Genl U.S.A. approved. | Washington D.C. Jany 28th 1869. Requests permission to purchase a horse owned by the Q.M. Dept. now in possession of Bt. J. M. Brown. A.A.Q.M. Bureau R.F. & A.L. |

| Jany 30th 1869 #35. | Smith Franklin Attorney. &c  Feby 1st Referred to Claim Division. Feby 3d Rec'd. back with report E.B p 290. Vol 5. | Canton. Miss, Jany 25th 1869. Desires to know what action was taken on the petition of Matthew Dinkins discharged col'd. soldier, which he forwarded to the Com'r. If not within the province of the Com'r. to act upon the paper, requests that he refer to such officer who has power to act upon and disposed of the same. |

| Jany 29" 1869 #36. | Swaim D. G. Bt. Maj. & A.D.C.  Jany 30" Returned. If any persons had appointments in this Bureau they can show their papers. | Washington D.C. Jany 29" 1869. Inquires whether Dr J. T. Johnson has been appointed A.A. Surg in charge of Cold Orphan Asylum at $33 1/3 per month, and if Dr C. B. Purvis and D. C. Patterson have been appointed A.A. Surg at $125. per month. |

| Feby 1st 1869. #37. | Stiles Mahaly  See S 89. Feby 1" Referred to A.C. of Va March 11" Rec'd. back with report. E.B p 327. Vol 5. | Vicksburg. Miss. Jany 28th 1869. Desires that inquiry be made of the Postmaster at Fairfax Court House. Va. whether Shady Moore. Geo Hunter of any of their relatives are residence at that place |