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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 12th 1869 #55. * | Swaim D.G. Bt. Major. & A.O.C. File. Appt revoked to date Feby 28th 1869 | Washington Feby 12th 1869 Recommends revocation of the appointment of Jno H. Butler as an Agent to date 28th inst. |

| Feby 20th 1869 #56. | Stone A.W. Attorney. see S 110 A 15 Vol 14 1 enclo B 105. Vol 15. Feby 20th Referred to A.C. of S.C. for report. March 22d. Rec'd back with report. EBp 338 Vol 5 | Savannah, Ga. Feby 2d 1869 Requests information as to the proper steps to be taken in order that certain lands on Daufuski Island. S.C., belonging to Mrs Dunn may be restored to her. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #57. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col 1 enclo Feby 24th Returned approved | Charleston Feby 19th 1869. States that the Board for relief of Planters indebted to Government setting at Charleston S.C. adopted certain rules and directed the same to be published. The two papers designated in orders for advertisements on Charleston and vicinity both being weeklies it was found necessary to publish the aforesaid rules in the Charleston Daily News, bill $14.84, and the Charleston Daily Courier bill $14.84. Requests authority to pay the same out of the "Refugee and Freedmens Funds" Copy of rules enclosed |

| Feby 23d 1869 #58. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col Feby 24th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Columbia Feby 19th 1869 Forwards application of W.F. DeKnight clerk B.R.F. & A.L. for reappointment as Bureau officer under Act 63. Sec 4. July 1868. States that his present salary ($150. per mo) is not sufficient to support his family in Charleston. With remark Mr. DeKnight has been since his agreement to duty in that state and is now a most zealous, faithful and efficient officer. Earnestly recommends his application to the favorable consideration of the Com'r. |

| Feby 28 1869 #59. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col. see 45. 377. D 159. Feby 25th Returned to know in what part of S.C. it is proposed to establish this Normal School. March 6th Recd back with report. E.B.p 3234, Vol 5. | Columbia Feby 22d 1869. Forwards letter of R.S. Rust Secy of Freedmen's His Society. asking for an appropriation from the Bureau of $2500.00 to aid his society to purchase property for a Normal School irrespective of color with that amount they can secure 27 acres, and a good building, - the society will pay the balance of $5000. at which the property is valued. - to be deeded to trustees, With remark that this enterprise is considered a Sucful one, and commends its self to the the consideration of the Com'r. If it can be given, in his judgement it should be done. He has no funds at his disposal out of which to make the appropriation. About 15000. of the $25000. appropriated for S.C. for present year, were required to pay debts contracts in former years, this left but about $11.000 for current year, & of this but $4000 remains unappropriated. An additional $10,000. would enable the Asst Comr. to complete all of the buildings required by the educational wants of the state. |