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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 25th 1869 #60. * | Syphax Austin (col'd) From Secy of War for report. Feby 25" Referred to Maj D.G. Swaim A.D.C. for report. April 3d Rec'd. back with report EB p 355. Vol 5. Rec'd. back. Filed. | Arlington, Va. Jany 28" 1869. Submits statement of his case, and asks that the contract for his piece of land on Arlington Estate be given him. |

| Feby 28th 1869. #61. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col. see A75. Feby 26" Forwarded to Secy of War, with request that in this case authority be given to employ counsel. | Columbia Feby 23d 1869. Reports that several parties who are indebted on Bond for supplies advanced, have been adjuged Bankrupts, and requests authority to employ counsel to apply to the U.S. Dist. Court to order to the assignees in all such cases to pay these Bonds out of the first proceeds of the personal property of the Bankrupt. |

| Feby 14" 1869. #62. * | Sewall F.D. A.I. Genl. File. | New Orleans La Feby 11th 1869 Reports result of his inspection of Bureau affairs in that place, Is of the opinion that the payment of bounties in that state (La) should be wholly transferred to Col. Beman, D.O: that Genl Balloch should require his Disbursing Officers to make a weekly statement to him of bounty Funds. |

| Feby 27" 1869. #63. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col. Feby 27" Ret'd. for such action as the A.C. of S.C. deems just and right. | Columbia. Feby 24th 1869. Forwards request of John McC. Tharin, of Charleston, S.C., for relief from the payment of the am't. ordered by the Com'n on claims until the termination of another planting. States, the total proceeds of his last years crop will not amount to the am't. of said claim. With remark. Believes this statement true and the undoubted security for payment of the residue of the bond after paying $16.00 and would have granted his application but as the Commission had made a recommendation in his case, did not like to disturbe it without the Com'rs approbation. Recommends his case to favorable consideration. |

| Feby 27th 1869. #64 * | Sewall F.D. Bt. Brig Genl. & A.I.G. 1 enclo File. To Mr Alvord Apl 9" 69 | Washington Feby 14th 1869. Submits report of Inspection of Disbursing Officers of the Bureau at Louisville, Vicksburg, New Orleans, Montgomery and Atlanta. |

| Feby 19" 1869 #65. * | Swaim D.G. Major & A.D.C. Filed. see S.O. 24. Feby 21" 69. | Washington Feby 19" 1869. Forwards approved, request of A.A. Surg. P. Glennan, that a Board of survey be convened at the Hospital, to fix the responsibility for the loss of one hospital tent, borne on his returns and for which he is responsible. |