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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 3d 1869 #119. | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col May 4th Referred to C.Q.M. | Columbia April 29' 1869. Submits list of school property born upon the rolls of Major Deane D.O. and requests that the D.O. be authorized to transfer it to the Societies who may have it in charge as it is so scattered throughout the State that it would be almost impossible to collect it, &c. |

| May 4th 1869 #120. * May 15th Rec'd back. Filed. | Swaim D.G. Major and A.D.C. 1 enclo May 4th Returned to Capt Knower The business in Balt does not appear to be larger than some at her points & it is believed that Capt Knower & Maj Monteith are capable of transacting it. May 6th Rec'd  E.B.p 317 Vol 5 | Washington D.C. May 3d 1869. Forwards letter of Capt E.C. Knower Bounty Agent at Baltimore, Md, requesting that E.B. Culler be retained as clerk. States that he needs some clerical assistance. |

| May 5th 1869 #121 * | South Carolina J.R. Edie Col. Filed. | Columbia May 3d 1869. Submits the names of the following employees for discharge under instructions contained in Circular Letter of Apl 13th 1869. E.B. Deane W.J. Harkisheimer, E.W. Everson, W.F. DeKnight. E.F. Gary. Geo W. Waterman, and Andrew Vredenburg. |

| May 5th 1869 #122 * | Sewall F.A. Asst Insp Genl See G 8. 57. 60. W. 78. C. 27. J. 137. May 5th Forwarded to Secy of War Please request the Atty Genl to suspend the sale of property in Macon till Genl Sewall's returns May 6th Rec'd back with report Filed | Savannah Ga. May 3d 1869 Get Atty Genl to suspend action in Macon cases until my letter arrives - Date of sale postponed. |

| May 6th 1869 #123 | Swaim D.G. Major and A.D.C. 2 enclo May 6th Referred to C.D.M. | Washington May 6th 1869 Submits description of all school houses borne upon the returns of the Bureau for D Cr Md. &c |

| May 7th 1869 #124 | Swaim D.G. Major and A.D.C. May 7th Returned with orders enclosed as requested. | Washington May 7th 1869 Requests an order for Major J.M. Brown A.Q.M. to proceed to Baltimore Md. and return to dispose of surplus property. |

| May 6th 1869 #125 | Snelling D.R. May 8th Claim Division | Decatur. Ala. May 4th 1869. States that about eighty men of the 106th U.S.C.T. deposited in the in Bank of Tennessee at Nashville, $16,000. and that they have not received any of it back and asks if it is possible to get now. |

| May 7th 1869 #126 | South Carolina H. Neide. Maj Supt of Ed 1 enclo May 8th Returned to H Neide Supt of Education So Carolina with orders enclosed as requested | Columbia May 5th 1869. Encloses copy of letter of Comr of date Aug 14th 1868, authorizing Col Edie to visit such points in his District as he may deem necessary, and asks that he receive a similar authorization. |