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658 659 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | July 24th 1869 #205 | South Carolina E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Edu. July 26th E.B. Vol. 5 p. 469. E.B. Vol. 5 p. 507. | Columbia, S.C. July 21st 1869. States that the cold. people of Union S.C. can purchase a suitable building & lot for school purposes for $750. - $800. of which they can raise, & recommends that the Bu. app'ts $650 to pay for the balance. | | July 24th #206 | South Carolina E.L Deane, Asst. Supt. Edu. See L.B. vol.5 Augt. 18/69 to Wetmore. July 21st. E.B. vol.5. p.479. Augt. 18th. Recd back E.B. vol.5. p.496. | Columbia, S.C. July 21st 1869. Applies for the following appropriation for construction & repairs of school houses in S.C.: - Spartanburg $800. - Union $650.- Aiken $500.- Gadsden $500.- Bishopville $500.- Orangeburg $200. & Sumter $300.- Total $3,450.- | | July 27th #207 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education. July 27th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Columbia S.C. July 24th 1869. Forwards schedule of School & Rental aps of N.Y. Branch F.U.C. for year ending May 31st 1869. | | July 27th #208 | Schenck, Jno. G. 1 Enclo E.B. Vol 5. p. 473. | Eqingville, N.J. July 27th 1869. Wishes to secure a good industrious man & Encloses $9.00 to pay his fare to Asylum Station on Belvidere & Delaware R.R. | | July 28th #209 | Swaim, D.G. Bt. Major & A.D.C. July 28th Referred to C.D.O. who will please instruct his agents to remedy the evils within complained of. | Washington D.C. July 26th 1869. Forwards Extract of his report relative to the payment of bounties to colored Soldiers at Vicksburg. Miss. | | July 28th 1869. #210. | Seamoh Geo P.O. Box 137. July 28th Referred to R.M. Manly, Supt. Edn. Va. | Portsmouth Va. July 27th 1869. Writes relative to the establishing of a school at that place & recommends care in transmitting the $2500. appropriated for that purpose. | | July 30th #211 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Education. July 30th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Columbia S.C. July 27th 1869. Forwards Examined & approved Schedule of Schools & rental a/cs of the Presby. Com. Home Missions for quarter ending July 1st '69. | | July 31st 1869. #212 | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Supt. Education. Augt. 2nd Returned approved | Columbia S.C. July 28th 1869. Forwards request of J. Loomis for continuation of rent of school building at Chesterville S.C. during summer & recommends that it be done. | | July 31st 1869. #213. * | South Carolina. E.L. Deane. Asst. Supt. Edn. File.| Charleston S.C. July 30th 1869. Telegraphs names of A.T. Porter. Geo. A. Trenholm & Saml L Bennett Trustees for Marine Hospital at Charleston. |