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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 4th 1869 #1. | Tennessee Jas Thompson. Col. Jany 6th Returned E.B p 252. Vol 5. | Nashville Dec 30th 1868. Requests information as whether the Bureau will continue to pay rent for buildings occupied by Freedmen's Savings Banks at Nashville and Memphis, Tenn. after Dec 31st 1868. |

| Jany 4th 1869 #2. | Tennessee, Jas Thompson, Col.  
See T 389 of Vol 13. Jany 4th  Returned. attention invited inst authorizing Col Palmer to retain the clerk named. | Nashville  Dec 31st 1868. Forwards approved request of Col. F. S. Palmer. S.A.C, that Mark Edwards be retained as a clerk in his office after Jany 1st 69. |

| Jany 5th 1869.#3. | Texas J.J. Reynold. Genl. Jany 6th Returned with appointment and letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Austin Dec 27th 1868. Requests that Chas A Norris be appointed a clerk for the month of December 1868. at $75 per month. |   

| Jany 7th 1869. #4. | Tate William 3 enclo Jany 7th  Referred to A.C. of Va. E.B p. 255. Vol 5. | Lincoln. Louden Co. Va Jany 1st 1869. Forwards account for $150. for material delivered near Philemont. Loudoun Co. Va. for building school house for colored children. |   

| Jany 9th 1869. #5. | Thomas George C. Engineer Dept. Jany 10th Referred to Maj. D. G. Swaim, A.D.C. | Washington  Jany 8th 1869. Reports that after surrender of the premises recently rented by the Bureau, on "F" near 19th St. the room in which the proprietor had retained the privilege of storing some furniture, was found to have been entered and several articles stolen, among which was a bed made of down, valued at from $30. to $50. and that as the proprietor is poor she can ill afford a loss which occurred by no neglect of hers. |   

| Jany 11th, 1869 #6. * | Tennessee Jas Thompson. Col. See P. 65. Vol 13. S51. File | Nashville. Jany 7th 1869 Reports, that complaint of Mr. Phillips of 28th ult. relative by work at Baptist Theological Institute, under authority prior to Nov. 1st 1868: and that a Board of Officers will investigate it, &c. |   

| Jany 11th 1869 #7. | Tennessee Jas Thompson. Col. See T 361. Vol 13. Jany 11th Returned. Mr. White will be retained on duty until further orders. The letter revoking the appointment of A. W. Walter is hereby suspended. | Nashville. Jany. 7th 1869. Forwards letter of Geo. S. White. clerk. resigning his position, on account of ill health. With remark. Mr. White is threaten with consumption and would doubtless improve in health by traveling about in performing the duties of Asst. Supt. of Education and recommends his retention in that capacity. or that his resignation be accepted, and the reappointment of A. W. Walter. vice White resigned. |