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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Jany 14th 1869 #8 | Turney S.C. 1 encl Jany 15th  To Maj. Swaim. | Washington D.C. Jany - 1869. Requests that certain repairs &c be made to a small room joing chapel in which Dr. Turney now holds his school, which he desires to use for his Theological class: and to be informed whether the Bureau will furnish fuel for the school &c |

| Jany 15th 1869. #9. | Taylor George 1 encl Jany 15th. Returned. There is no vacancy in the Bureau as its offices are being closed up. | Washington Jany 13th 1869.  Requests Comr. to obtain for him a situation. |

| Jany 16th 1869. #10. | Tennessee Jas. Thompson, Col. Jany 18th. Returned. EBp 2172 Vol 5. | Nashville Jany 12th 1869. Forwards letter of Miss E.W. Douglas teacher stating that Mr. Papendieck, late D.O. refused to pay her salary for Sept., and Oct 1868: that Mr. Hatfield Chairman of Home Miss. Com'tt says that he cannot be responsible for payment of salary prior to November 1st 1868. Is she to lose the two months salary ($60). With remark. Asks an increase of $10 per month be made in her case for six months from November 1st 1868, through Dr. Hatfield as he know of no other way of rendering justice to this worthy teacher. She has taught for 2 years & was paid regularly until the summer vacation. |

| Jany 18th 1869 #11 | Tennessee James Thompson, Col. 1 encl. Jany 18th Referred with appt letter of revocation enclosed to cover the time McMulliken was on duty after being discharged by order of the Com'r. | Nashville. Jany 15th 1869. Returned letter of revocation of E.F. Mulliken clerk, with requests that it be made to date Dec 12th, 1868 as D.O. has reported the services of this clerk from Nov 12th to Dec 2nd 1868. for this he can be paid by present D.O. No report of services can be made to cover a month from Oct 10th to Nov 10th 1868. Will be more cautious hereafter. |

| Jany 18th 1869 #12. * | Tennessee; State of. John Eaton, Jr. Supt. Pub. Institution File | Nashville Jany 14th 1869. Reports as to how the changes made by the Comr. in that state are effecting the work to be done by the Bureau. States that Col Thompson's administration of the educational work gives general satisfaction. That the creation of an educational sentiment is necessary and that in this connection the traveling of Mr. Barnum is doing excellent service: and had their been, as proposed, two other Asst. Supts. of Education added, their labors would have been exceedingly useful. |

| Jany 18th 1869 #13. | Texas Capt. C.S. Roberts, D.O. Jany 18th Referred to the Asst. Com'r of Texas, who is authorized to retain Henry Dorsey as clerk until Feby 28th 1869. (letter enclosed) | Austin Jany 4th 1869. Inquired whether the revocation of the appointment of Henry Dorsey will prevent his payment for services rendered after 31st ult. If so, requests that the revocation of his appointment be suspended for the present, and until time when his services can be dispensed with. |