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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 13th 1869 #14 * | Tennessee Jas Thompson Col. 1 enclo Jany 19th Referred to C.D.O. | Nashville Jany 15th 1869. Forwards letter of Col Fred S Palmer S.A.C. & D.O. Stating that he paid the bounty claim of Wm Bradley, late Private Co. "L" 3d U.S. H. Art. amounting to $76.72/100 and that out of said claim the sum of $128.00/100 was stopped by Moyers and Dedrick for advances made to Bradly by them, Bradley protests against the deduction and states that he only received $10.00/100 instead of $128.00/100 as charged by Moyers & Dedrick: encloses affidavit to that effect. Rec'd back Aug 28/74. W.G.P. |

| Jany 7th 1869. #15. * | Tullidge W.R. 1 enclo File. | Yazoo City. Miss Dec 31st 1869. Forwards to Secy of War disposition of Dike Michee in the case of a change made against Jno Blalock which was found in the office lately vacated by Bureau Officer &c. |

| Jany 13th 1869 #16. * | Tennessee Jas Thompson Col. 5 enclo Bounty report to C.D.O. file. Rec'd back Aug 4th -/74 W.G.P | Nashville Jany 1st 1868. Submits report of Officers, Agents, of Bounties paid and of the Operations of the Bureau for Dec. 1868. |

Janry 20th 1869 #17 | Texas J.J. Reynolds. Genl 3 enclo File. | Austin Jany 7th 1869 Submits report of Refugees Freemen. Officers and Agent for the month of Decr 1868. |

| Jany 21st 1869 #18. | Tennessee James Thompson. Col. 1 enclo Jany 22d Returned attention invited to enclose copy of endorsement on similar request. | Nashville Jany 18th 1869. Forwards letter of Sallie L. Daffin, teacher who desires to be compensated for services rendered during Oct 1868. States that she received a not from Mr. Papendieck late D.O. and vouchers to be signed. said vouchers, were filled up as to allow her, to be paid only from Oct 15th to Oct 31st 1868. while she actually taught school from Oct 5th, she returned those vouchers and requested others, but has heard nothing of them, With recommendation that Miss Daffin receive $5. per mo additional for five months to settle this just claim. |

| Jany 21st 1869. #19. | Tubbs Geo.W. Jany 21st Referred to Genl Supt. of Education. | Elizabeth J.J. Jany 20th 1869. Inquires if the Comr can assist Mrs. A.H. Stearns, a widow lady, in obtaining a situation as teacher in some of the freedmen's schools. Speaks commendatory of her Christian character and fitness for such a position, &c &c. |

| Jany 22nd 1869. #20. | Texas J.J. Reynolds. Genl. 1 enclo Jany 22d Referred to C.Q.M. | Austin Jany 12th 1869. Submits copy of deed of property upon which the Bureau has erected a school building in Austin, Texas |