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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

|Jany 25th 1869. #21. | Tennessee James Thompson. Col. Feby 11th Returned with letter of revocation, and appointment of James Ware to fill the vacancy enclosed | Nashville Jany 21st 1869. Forwards letter of James M Johnson D.O. of Claims, at Chattanooga, tendering his resignation, to take effect Feby 1st 1869. |

| Jany 26th 1869. #22 | Tennessee James Thompson. Col. 2 enclo To Mr. Alvord. | Nashville Jany 23d 1869. Submits school report for the month of December 1868. |

| Jany 22d 1869. #23. * | Tennessee Jas Thompson. Col. File. See L.B Vol 5 Jany 22d 1869. | Nashville Jany 19th 1869 Returns letter of Mr. Papendieck asking for transportation for Wm H. and Wendy Minchin discharged employes from Nashville Tenn. to Philadelphia Pa. With recommendation that it be not granted &c |

| Jany 16th 1869. #24 * | Trumbull W. Clerk Judiciary Committee. File see L.B Vol 5 Jany 18th 69 papers ret'd & sent to Reconstruction Committee. | Washington D.C. Jany 5th 1869. Requests information in regard to affairs in Georgia since June 1868. |

| Jany 22d 1869 #25. * | Tonkling James H 1 enclo File. See S.B.vol5. Jany 22d 1869.| Hilton Head. S.C. Jany 14th 1869 Complains to Mssrs Bascom & Seaton that fraud is being practiced on the freemen by the Cashier of the Bank there, and vouchers have been forwarded for bounties, signed after claimants were reported dead. |

| Feby 1st 1869. #26. | Tennessee Jas Thompson. Col. see W40. see LB. Vol 5. Feby 26 1869 Feb 2d Referred E.B.p. 188 Vol 5. | Nashville Jany 27th 1869 Forwards for instructions letter of Fred S. Palmer recommending that the Bureau may pay a rent of $100. per month for rooms in the Cold Orphan Asylum at Memphis. Tenn. for six months commencing Jany 1st 1869. |

| Feby 1st 1869 #27. | Taylor Elizabeth H. T 25.  Feby 1st 1869 Referred by A.C. of Va. March 15th Rec'd back with report. EBp 331 Vol 5. | Yorktown Va. Jany 30th 1869. Requests that she be allowed rent for the use of her lot at that place, from the time of its restoration to her in 1865 upon which a Gov't. building was erected during the War. Building was occupied from 1865 until very recently by an Agent of this Bureau. |

| Feby 3d 1869. #28. | Thayer John M. Hood 1 enclo Feby 4th Retd E.B.p 292. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Feby 2d 1869. Refers letter of J.W. Converse of Boston. Mass, requesting him to see Genl Howard and endeavor to mature some plan by which some assistance can be received from the Bureau on the education of ministers for freedmen by the Home Mission Society or a separate organization &c &c |

| Feby 4th 1869 #29. | Treasury Dept. John Wilson 3d Auditor Feby 4th Returned E.Bp 294. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Feby 3d 1869. Desires the present post office address of H.S. Merrell late Agent of this Bureau. |