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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 11th 1869. #39 * | Tennessee Jas. Thompson Col See F21. W32. File. See L.B. Vol 5. Feby 3d 1869. Appointed at in performance Feby 15th 69. vice Johnson resigned. | Nashville Feby 8th 1869.  States that he has no objections to the appointment of Jas Ware as an Agent at Cleveland Tenn. &c &c. |

| Feby 27th 1869 #40 | Tappen Henry L. Agent Feby 29th Returned approved. (Thro A.C. of S.C.) | Charleston. S.C. Feby 26th 1869  Requests leave of absence for 30 days from March 18th 1869. |

| March 1st 1869 #41. * | Tennessee Jas Thompson Col. Filed. See S.O. #3 March 2d, 1869. | Nashville. Feby 26th 1869. Forwards disapproved, request of J.B. Coons Genl. Claim Agent that Robert Brown. be appointed clerk, vice Whiteside discharged. With recommendation that some person of incorruptible integrity be selected by the Comr, appointed and assigned to duty. |

| March 2d. 1869 #42 | Tennessee  Jas. Thompson, Col. | Nashville. Tenn. February 27th 1869 Forwards report of Jno. S. Wilson D.O. of Claims at Johnsonville. Tenn. of freedmen's affairs in his Sub District for the month of February 1869 with endorsement inviting attention of the Commr to the fact that Wilson has paid no bounties this month, has done no perceptible good in establishing schools and that he paid only 7 bounties for December and only 2 for January  March 2nd referred to Chief Disbursing Officer to know if there is any further need for the services of this Agent. |

| Feby 23d 1869 #43. * | Tonkling Jas H. 1 enclo File See L.B. Vol 4. Feb 22 69. | Hilton Head S.C. Jany 30th 1869.  Furnishes the names of 27 claimants in his letter to W.F. Bascom, as requested |

| March 6th 1869 #44 * | Tennessee Jas Thompson C.O. 2 enclo To Capt Sladen. Rec'd back and filed Oct 14/74 W.G.P. | Nashville March 1st 1869. Transmits Invoices of records pertaining to that State, which were shiped by Adams Express. |

| March 6th 1869. #45. | Tennessee Jas. Thompson. Col. File. | Nashville March 2d 1869. Submits roster of Officers and Civilians on duty in that State March 1st 1869. |

| March 8th 1869. #46. | Tennessee Jas. Thompson Col. 1 enclo May 9th  Respectfully forwarded to the Secy of War, March 12th Rec'd back approved by Secy of War. and returned to S.C. of Tenn. for payment. | Nashville March 3d 1869. Forwards letter of Fred. S. Palmer. D.O. at Memphis, enclosing for settlement a/c of Geo Gandt Atty &c amounting to $50, for legal service rendered to this Bureau in presenting one Combs for a claim Agent, for fraudulent breach of trust, on retaining the sum of $6.00 out of a bounty due one Henry Dillard (col'd) in excess of his legal fee. |