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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 14th 1869. #96. * | Texas Jos Welch. Sup't of Schools, 1 enclo.  Filed. See L.B Vol 5. May 14th 1869. | Austin May 5th 1869. Requests information relative to the funds arising from the sale of Confederate property in the State of Texas. |   

| May 17th 1869 #97. | Texas J. J. Reynolds, Genl. 3 enclo Filed | Austin May 6th 1869. Submits report of Refugees. Freedmen. and roster of Officers and Civilians on duty May 1" 1869. |   

| May 20th 1869 #98. | Tennessee E. C. Compton. Col. May 20h Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Nashville May 17th 1869. Requests the appointment of Paul Hoffman, as clerk in his office at a salary of $120.- per month. |   

| May 20th 1869 #99. * | Tennessee Col C. E. Compton. Supt of Ed.  Filed. | Nashville May 15th 1869 Reports his arrival at that place, in obedience to S.O. #64. par 1 from these Hd Qrs. |   

| May 24th 1869 #100. | Tenney Jonathan 1 enclo  To Mr Alvord. | Albany. N.Y. May 21" 1869 Refers to an interview with Genl Howard while in Albany. States that he has had great experience in "successful teaching" Would like an appointment to teach in some Normal Schools in the South. Salary must not be less than $2000. per month. |    

| May 28th 1869 #101. | Texas Joseph Welch. Supt Schools. 3 enclo  May 31st Referred to C.D.O. Recd back June 23rd EB 438 Vol 5 | Austin May 20th 1869. Encloses for approval and payment. contracts and vouchers for the completion of a school house at Huntsville. Texas. It was completed under orders from Genl Griffin and owing to his death and frequent changes it was never paid for. The property has been sold under execution. All the claims are included in this contract. The payment of these vouchers will release the property and give a good title. |   

| June 1st 1869 #102 | Tennessee Col. C.E. Compton, Supt of Ed. 1 encl  June 1st Returned E.B. p. 419. Vol 5. | Nashville May 28th 1869. Encloses application to be furnished with office and quarters in that city, or commutation in him thereof by Q.M. Dept. and calls attention to disapproval of the same. And requests authority to rent quarters for himself. rent not to exceed allowances to officers of his rank. |   

| June 2d 1869 #103. * | Treasury Dept. Geo S. Boutwell, Secy. See P 22. P 85. 107. File | Washington June 1st 1869. States that he has given Mr. Mullett instructions to have the necessary papers prepared for the transfer of the Marine Hospital at Charleston S.C. to the Freedmens Bureau. |