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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 2nd 1869 #104 | Texas Joseph Welch, Supt of Ed. 4 enclo. | Austin  May 22nd 1869. Forwards claim of Isaac Moses of Galveston for rent of building from April 16th 1868 to June 1st 1869, at $50 per month. which building was leased by Genl A. Doubleday S.A.C. With recommendation that the claim be not allowed. The lease was terminated by order of Genl Reynolds Apr 15 1868. June 3rd  Returned disapproved |

| June 3rd 1869 #105 | Tennessee Col. C.E. Compton, Supt Ed. | Nashville May 31st 1869. Requests authority to employ a messenger at a salary of $30. per month from June 1st 1869. June 4th  Returned Approved. |   

| June 6 1869. #106 | Tennessee Col. C.E. Compton, Supt of Ed. | Nashville June 1st 1869. Forwards letter of D.W. Phillips, Princpl of Col'd Baptist Institute, requesting aid for repairs of the Institute and the erection of a Chapel &c. With remark that he examined the property of the Bapt Home Mission, and made arrangements to put the school in good repair: that he disapproves of the erection of a chapel, as the present value of the property is far below the amount of actual expenditure already made. June 5  Returned. The action and views of Col Compton are approved.  | 

| June 7th 1869  #107 | Treasury Dept  Geo S. Boutwell, Secy. See L.B Vol 5 June 7, 1869. Filed. copy furnished to C.Q.M. June 4th 1869. | Washington June 5th 1859. States that he has decided to transfer to Freedmen's Bureau, the Marine Hospital, Charleston, S.C. upon pay of balance due therefore org. $8000. Asks the name of the officer to whom the building shall be turn over to, which will be done upon the payment of the amount specified. | 

| June 7th 1869  #108 | Texas Jos Welch Supt. of Ed. 3 encls. June 7th Referred to C.Q.M. | Austin May 28th 1869. Enclosed copy of letter of Maj Genl J.J. Reynolds and copies of deeds of the San Antonio Tannery property. Originals lost in the mails. |

| June 7th 1869 #109 | Texas Jos Welch. Supt of Ed. 4 enclo June 7th Referred to C.Q.M. July 30th E.B. Vol 5 p 478. | Austin May 29th 1869. Forwards for approval, contract with J.W. Pope for the construction of a school building at Brownsville, Texas, for $4.568.00 he being the lowest bidder. |

| June 7th 1869 #110. | Thompson Jas Col. late Asst. Comr. of Tenn. See A 152 Forwarded E.Bp 424. Vol 5. | Nashville Tenn. June 3d 1869. 1868. Requests authority to draw full pay for commutation of fuel and quarters for month of May, as he exercised during that time a supervision over outstanding debts of the Bureau. |