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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 5th 1869. #8. * | Von Willis Chas See L.B. Vol 5. Jany 15th 1869 file. | Washington D.C. Jany 14th 1869. States that he has been discharged as clerk and asks to be reinstated. Makes statement of services performed and wounds received. |

| Jany 4th 1869 #9 * | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. 1 enclo file | Richmond Jany 1st 1869. Returns letter of 29th ulto stating that destituiton in that city is alarming & orders to close the Bureau has unnerved the A. and C.M.O. and asks the A.C. to communicate his recommendations for relief of the suffering &c. With attention called to the report of the Common Council in "Richmond Dispatch" enclosed. It is hoped that the city authorities will properly provide for pauper freedmen - if not. the matter will be referred to the Com'r., There is nothing alarming in the physical condition of the A.C. as Dr. Smith would seem to indicate, although the C.M.O. has been ill. believes the physicians attribute it to the liver instead of the nerves. |

| Jany 2nd 1869 #10. * | Virginia O. Brown. Gen'l. Telegram file. | Richmond Jany 2d 1869. "The Officers are awaiting for their return transportation." |

| Jany 20th 1869 #11. | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. Jany 20th Returned. E.B. p 274. Vol 5. | Richmond Jany 18/69. Forwards for instructions, request of Col S. P. Lee S.A.C. at Alexandria for authority to employ a Messenger at $20. per mo & 2 men, one in charge of each Bureau building at that place at $20 per mo to date from Jany 1" 1869. |

| Jany 20th 1869 #12. | Virginia O. Brown. Genl Jany 20th Returned to W B Hope. Hampton Va. with information that this Bureau has no legal authority for refunding the rents requested | Richmond Jany 16th 1869. Forwards letter of W. B. Hope of Hampton. Va and late of the rebel army, applying for the recovery of rent for lands owned by him and occupied by Gov't, during the war. With report of Capt. Geo Q. White. D.O. and A.A.Q.M. "that the Bureau has received since its organization $110.00 from "Latha Cook" as rent for the "Hope Farm" which amount has been accounted for to U.S. Treasury." |

| Jany 28th 1869 #13. | Virginia. O. Brown. Genl.  Jany 25th Referred to C.Q.M. for remarks. | Richmond. Jany 21st 1869. Forwards letter of Wm. R. Morse. Asst. Supt. Schools, recommending that the Office building at Gordonsville. be sold at public auction, it being no longer required. With request for authority to sell the building at public auction, |

| Jany 27th 1869 #14. * | Virginia O. Brown. Genl.  File. | Richmond Jany 25th 1869. Submits report of Operations of the Bureau for the month of December 1868. |

| Jany 28 1869 #15. | Virginia Garrick Mallery. Col.  Jany 29th Returned approved. | Richmond Jany 27th 1869. Forwards approved, request of Capt Geo Q. White D.O. for permission to retain Geo R. Ingalls in charge of clothing Warehouse so long as he is responsible for Bureau clothing. |