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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 23d 1869. #23. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col. Feby 25th Returned with orders enclosed. | Richmond. Feby 20th 1869. States that while charge of the District in the absence of the Asst Com'r, it may be necessary for him to visit some portion of the state for inspection purposes. Requests instructions whether he should issue the order himself as he does all other Special Orders, or whether he should receive general instructions from the Com'r. such as has been issued to the Asst Com'r. |

| Feby 25th 1869 #24. * | Viele Helen H. Mrs. Filed. see P.L.B. Vol 6. Feby 25" 1869. | Jefferson. Wis. Feby 19th 1869. States that from her childhood she was schooled in proslavery principals, but that she now sees her error and heartly offers herself to labor in any department of the Bureau, where she can benefit those whom she has so ignorantly injured. |

| Feby 25" 1869 #25. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col. 2 enclo File. | Richmond Feby 23d 1869 Submits report of Officers, Agents and Clerks for the month of Jany and Feby. 1869. |

| March 2nd 1869 #26 EB p [[221?]]. Vol 5. March 11" Rec'd back EB p 328. Vol 5. March [[9?]]" Rec'd. back EB p 328. Vol 5. | Virginia O. Brown. Asst Commr | Richmond Va. March 1st 1869 Forwards recommended request of R.M. Manly, Secy. Richmond Educatl Assn for pecuniary aid from the Bureau for Normal School at that place as after this year additional teachers and furniture will be required, and the annual income of the Institution amounts to only $600. &c, &c. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 5th 1869 #27. | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. March 6" Referred to C.Q.M. | Richmond. March 2d 1869. Forwards approved, request of Capt. Geo. Q. White. D.O. for authority to sell at public auction the following property for which he is responsible, and no longer required for use of this Bureau, viz: (2) Two horses. (1) one mule, (1) one cart, (1) one cartharness, and (2) Two setts of wheelharness. |

| March 5th 1869 #28 | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. 1 enclo File. | Richmond March 3d 1869 Submits roster of Officers & Civilians on duty in that state March 1" 1869. |

| Feby 18" 1869 #29. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col. March 6" Retd As the Com'r. has ordered all employees  to be discharged on the 30" of April it is not deemed advisable to grant Genl Armstrong's request. | Richmond Feby 13th 1869. Forwards, letter of S.C. Armstrong. Asst. Supt. of Schools, requesting authority to employ a clerk at a salary of 85 00/ per month in order to enable him to discharge his duties, With remark. Would be glad if Mr Armstrong, and at least one other of the Asst. Supt. of Schools, were allowed clerical assistance. |

| March 10" 1869 #31. | Virginia G.Q. White. Maj. & D.O. March 11" Returned. E.B. p. 329. Vol 5. | Richmond. March 9" 1869. Forwards application of Jno D. Munford Mayor of Williamsburg. Va, for the restoration of the Bell, belonging to C. House, & which was taken to Yorktown, and thereby falling into the hands of the Bureau, and has been left on deposit with a merchant named Halstead; so that it may be put to its original use. With request for authority to restore the within named bell. |