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Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas 26, Texas 
February 14, 1958

Mary MacGregor 
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. 
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y. 

Dear Miss MacGregor: 

Thank you for your letterof February 6th. Western Union misunderstood the name of Sano di Pietro over the phone. Mr. Bywaters had mentioned getting this painting to Mrs. Theresa Parker in a letter dated January 19th. Since the other things have arrived from your gallery and since we almost accumulated all the paintings we have room to hang we shall drop the di Pietro from our list. 

Thank you for sending us the values on the Gibran and the Lebrun. Everything arrived safely. You are right - our museum is a bee hive of activity but the show promises to be an exciting one. 

Thank you again for your cooperation. 

Charlotte Stephens 
Museum Secretary