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February 18, 1955

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann and Company
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker
Perhaps you will remember that we asked you to lend to a benefit exhibition originally planned for November, 1954. The theme of this exhibition was to be paintings by important artists of figures in hats. Such paintings would be appropriate for not only a good quality exhibition but to fit with the theme of a Bal aux Chapeaux, this dance to be a main source o revenue for the benefit.

For several reasons the November date of the exhibition did not prove suitable,  and we have now set the dates April 3 - May 1, 1955. We are not trying to do a history of headdress, but on the contrary to have an exhibit of good paintings and let the hats fall where they may. Some twenty leading museums, an equal number of private collectors and a few dealers are lending to this exhibition; paintings range in date from 1600 to the present.

May we ask you to suggest possible loans from the Seligmann gallery to this exhibition?

Naturally we will pay shipping costs both ways and wall to wall insurance. We would have the paintings picked up by Budworth about March 24 to reach here no later than March 27, and all works will be returned the first week in May. We intend to issue a good catalogue and we have every hope that it will be a fine exhibit and one which will draw a large audience.

I hope we may hear from you at your earliest convenience so that we may proceed with catalogue plans. Please send photographs if available.

With thanks for your help, 

Jerry Bywaters -
Jerry Bywaters
