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May [[strikethrough]] 19th [[/strikethrough]] 25, 1939

Do you happen to know Mr. Stephen V. Grancsay, Curator of Arms and Armor at the Metropolitan Museum.  The thought occurs to me that, in view of the fact that he is one of the leading specialists in that field not only in America but also in Europe and that, furthermore, he knows the Mackay Collection better than anyone else, as in a great many instances he advised Mr. Mackay in some of his purchases, you might like to communicate with him directly for further information or perhaps his opinion on any of these objects. 

Needless to say, I would appreciate hearing from you at your very earliest convenience regarding the possibility of acquiring any of the above items, and I remind you also again that it seems that a collection or whole group of the guns and pistols might appeal very strongly to someone in Dallas or Fort Worth. 

It was very nice seeing you again the other day after such a long lapse, and I hope that you will not wait so long next time for a return engagement here. 

With all the best of wishes, and looking forward to hearing from you regarding the above, 

As always - 

Yours most sincerely, 

(Robert M. Levy) 

Richard Foster Howard, Esq.
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Dallas, Texas 

P. S. This letter was written a week ago, but due to the fact that one or two photographs had not been made up, was held up until now.