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September 21st, 1938

My dear Mr. Howard:

I am very sorry that I missed your visit in New York, as I understand that I have landed only a few days after you had left.

I hope you will be satisfied with the very fine group of paintings which we have sent to you, and I am sure your exhibition will be a superb one.

If it is possible for me to do anything to help you, I will be only too glad to do so. I will write, in connection with the exhibition, to several of the people whose names I learned last winter in Dallas to tell them that they should not miss going to see the exhibition. If there is someone in particular to whom you would like me to write, do let me know and at the same time let me know if I should mention your name or not.

A good reason for my coming to Dallas would be very welcome and it would give me great pleasure to see you again as well as some of the friends I made on my last trip.

With all good wishes and kindest regards,

Please believe me

Yours sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

P.S. Enclosed you will find a consignment invoice with the prices of the paintings. These prices, naturally, would be subject to some concession. Anyway, they might give you an opportunity to get a prospective buyer in touch with us for which I would be very thankful.

Richard Foster Howard, Esq. 
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Dallas, Texas