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August 27th,1936

Dear Mr.Howard:

I wish to acknowledge your letter of August 22nd, contents of which I have duly noted. I trust that the next time you contemplate an exhibition or you feel the that we could be of any help to you, you will not fail to let us hear from you.

By-the-by, I am leaving for London in a bout a fortnight's time and shall probably be over there a couple of months. If I can do anything for you while I am there, I shall be pleased to hear from you. 

Should you be coming to New York in November or December, after my return, I hope you will have a few minutes to spare to call in and see me, as I should like to have the pleasure of meeting you per-

In the meanwhile, with my kindest regards,
Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,
(Clyfford Trevor)

Richard Foster Howards, Esq.
Director of the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Dallas, Texas.