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January 11th., 1935.

My dear Mr. Rollins:

In accordance with your request, we have delivered today to the Berkeley Express Company, one of Stuart Edie's still lifes of the type mentioned in your letter/January 3rd. The price of this painting is $500.

Although you probably already know something of Mr. Edie's background, nevertheless, I thought you might like to have the following information at hand:

STUART OF EDIE: Born in 1808 in Wichita Falls, Texas. Studied at the Kansas City Art Institute and the Art Students League in New York under Thomas Benton and Boardman Robinson. He has exhibited in group exhibitions throughout the country and is represented in the Whitney Museum of American Art by an oil painting, "Girl with Book". his first man-man show was held during 1931-1932.

Trusting that your exhibition will prove very successful and arouse great interest,

Yours very sincerely,
Dept. of Contemporary American Art.

Lloyd L. Rollins, Esq.,
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts,
Dallas, Texas.

[sign] signature [/sign]