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Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
Dallas Power & Light Building

[[Left Margin]]
Arthur L. Kramer, President
Mrs. Florence Rodgers, Vice-Pres.
Mrs. Tom Gooch, Vice-Pres.
Leslie Waggener, Treasurer
Mrs. Harold J. Abrams, Cor. Sec'Y
Miss Ona Brown, Recording Sec'Y
[[/Left Margin]]

[[Right Margin]]
Lloyd LaPage Rollins, Director & Curator
Mrs. O. E. Ernst, Membership Secretary
Everett Spruce, Gallery Assistant 

Dallas, Texas November 30, 1934
[[/Right Margin]]

Mr. James St. L. O'Toole, 
Jacques Seligmann & Co, 
3 East 51st, 
New York, N. Y. 

Dear Jimmie:-

I appreciated tremendously your kind letter of November 13th congratulating me on my appointment as Director of the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. I arrived here nine days ago and my impressions are still a bit unclarified. I have been rushing about a lot meeting the "people who matter" and I have found them very delightful. The town is still rather frontier in many ways but there is a lot of civic pride and evidently plenty of money so I am very sanguine about the future. 

One of the first shows that I am planning for the Museum is an exhibition of Flower and Still Life Paintings in oil by contemporary American artists. I would appreciate tremendously your cooperation in assembling this show by lending me one of Stuart Edie's still lifes. I have noticed in some of Stuart's latest things, a tendency toward a very dark somber pallet. In making the selection, will you please pick out one that is rather gay in tonality.

After its showing here, the group will probably go to San Francisco to the new Museum of the San Francisco Art Association. If this materializes, would you be willing for your contribution to go West for a one month exhibition?

Is there anyone else on Jacques Seligmann's exclusive list who does outstanding still life who should be included in the exhibition?

With kindest regards to you and Diodata, I remain 

Yours very sincerely,
[[sign]] Lloyd L Rollins [[/sign]] 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 20:30:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 20:36:48