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VALDES LEAL, Juan de (1630-1691)


Oil on canvas: 23 x 18-1/4"

He is seen turned slightly to his right, eyes looking directly at the spectator with an intense, intelligent gaze. He wears a moustache and Van Dyke beard. His brown hair falls on the white collar of a brown jacket.

Collection:  Count Eduardo Fitibaldi, Rome

Exhibited:  "Spain Speaks" Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 9, 1951-Jan. 5,1952.
"Spanish Painting", Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 11 - Feb.6, 1952, no.23.
"Spanish Art, Medieval through Modern", Lowe Gallery, Syracuse Univ., Nov. 11 - Dec. 1, 1952, no,7.
"5th Anniversary Exhibition, Des Moines Art Center, June 5 - July 12, 1953.
"L'Age d'Or Espagnol", Bordeaux, May 16-July 31, 1955, no.31.

This painting had previously been attributed to Velasquez.

Professor Chandler R. Post, of the Fogg Museum, on examining this portrait, seemed to come to the conclusion that it was by Valdes Leal (Sevillian School), instead of Murillo, which had been his first thought.

Dr. William Suida of Samuel H. Kress Foundation is not averse to the possibility of its being by Murillo, but was wondering nevertheless whether it could not be by Valdes Leal.

Price......$8,000 (eight thousand dollars)

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