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October 25, 1926

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Mich.

My dear Dr. Valentiner,

I have just returned to New York and my first leter is to you, as I want to thank you for your note of September 18th which reached me in Paris shortly before I left and I thought of answering it from here.

Since you wrote your lines of September 18th, you have received from our New York office the invoice for the HOLBEIN picture, and this answers the first paragraph of your letter. I am anxious to see this picture in your museum, and intend to pay you a visit at the end of next week, i.e., between the 4th and 12th of November, therefore, you will greatly oblige me by sending me a little note to tell me whether you intend then being in your city.

I have also received the photograph of the Italian Renaissance Cassone with your opinion, and I can not enough tell you how pleased I am to see that you think so highly of it. When you see it, you will realize that the photograph only gave you a faint idea of its beauty and quality.

I am also forwarding to you a photograph of the painting by BOL which is the one about which my cousin René was so anxious to have your opinion. Kindly return it to us with your written opinion on the back.

My Paris office, I believe, wrote you about the catalogues of the Hotel Drouot. If they didn't, I wish to tell you that I have personally written to both Maitre Baudoin and Maitre Lair-Dubreuil, the two great auctioneers of Paris, who both acknowledged receipt of my letters with promises of sending you a catalogue of every important auction. Let me add to this that if at any time you wish my firm in Paris to give you their opinion on anything to be auctioned in Paris, or if you wish them to carry out any order in any such

Transcription Notes:
Need Accent mark on Rene Last line is unfinished. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-13 20:05:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 12:13:55