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April 6, 1926

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Valentiner,

Both Germain and myself just returned from the West, and we found your very kind letter for which we thank you very much.

We are very glad that you agree with us as regards the quality of these marvelous Andirons, as to attribute them to the great Master Alessandro Vittoria. If you have not returned to us the photographs we sent you, could you be kind enough to write us a few lines on the back of it and return it to us, for which we would be most thankful to you.

In any case, we are looking forward to seeing you here very soon on your way to Europe.

Kindly remember us to Mrs. Valentiner, and with cordial greetings, pray believe us

Yours very sincerely,