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March 24, 1926

Mr. Eastman,
c/o Detroit Institute of Art,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Mr. Eastman,

Regarding your inquiry about the Behzad miniatures, I have taken this matter up with Mr. Gabriel Wells of 145 West 57th Street, New York City, whom you probably know, as he is a well-known expert on things of this type.

He told me that it would not be possible to determine the valuation of a book such as you describe with the very vague details that I gave him, as the valuation would depend upon the condition, subject, etc. He says they may be worth anywhere from $150 to $500, but he suggests that you send him all the particulars you can and upon receipt of which, he will give you all the possible information.

I might mention that I arrived back this morning, and as you see, I took this matter up immediately as I promised you to do.

With my kindest regards, and hoping to see you some time in New York, believe me to be,

Yours sincerely,

