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December the twentieth 1924.

Dr. W.R. Valentiner
Institute of Art,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Valentiner :-

We will send you by one of our men the little Marble STATUE that you are so interested in, that is the ST. JOHN, French work of the XIVth Century, and as I told you we are asking for it $7,000, but for the Museum we will be glad to leave it at the very special price of $6,000. Our man will leave on Monday evening, so that it will be delivered to you at the Museum on Tuesday morning.

He will also bring you the little IVORY POLYPTIC, which as much as I remember you felt quite keen about. The price we ask for it is $4,000 and we will be pleased to leave it for the Museum at the price of $3,300. You have read what Excellence BODER writes about it, and I am sending you herewith a photograph of his original writing on it. I know that you do not need that, but knowing how trustees are, it might impress them.

Have you started on the description of the MARBLE RENAISSANCE Statue now in the possession of Mr. Kobler, and when do you believe that we will be able to receive it from you, as Mr. Kobler is quite anxious to get it from us.