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March 29th 1924

Dr. W. R. Valentiner
Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Dear Dr. Valentiner,-

I am sending you herewith a photograph of the Vintage tapestry. As you can see, this tapestry was woven in the middle of the 15th century. It comes from the Eynard collection. According to certain authors, the cartoons are by Loysot Leydet, who was a court painter of Philip the Good. What you cannot see on the photograph is that its is a marvelous symphony of reds and blues. It is reproduced in Schmidt's, in Lee Arts September 1913 and in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts 1913.

A tapestry made either after this tapestry or after the same cartoons is in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, but it was made 50 years later than this one, judging from the costumes, which are different, but the composition, the personages and the background are exactly the same in both tapestries.

I am also sending you herewith a photograph of the little marble statue; Prof. Ds. Nicols ascribes it undoubtedly to Rossellino, and says that he has in the Bargello Musuem a bust of the same youth by Rossellino. It is a very fine marble with a very beautiful patina, and I hope you will be able to see it some time in the near future. I have removed the nimb which is represented on the photograph, as this nimb is of a later period, and, to my mind, the statue looks much better without it.

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