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Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Art,
Detroit, Michigan.

March 28th., 1925.

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

A few days ago we had the visit of a client who took a very great interest in the picture of Francis 1st., by Joos VanCleef. I told him, as I always do when I have a right to do so, that you admired the picture and that you thought a great deal of it's importance.

I also said what Dr. Friedlander thought of it, that is to say, that Francis 1st., brought Joos VanCleef over to Paris to paint his portrait, as at that time VanCleef had already acquired great fame; and that this was probably the most important and the first of the portraits of Francis 1st. painted, after which several others were painted, some of them by Joos VanCleef and some others by  the French school.

Dr. Friedlander says that in his opinion, our picture was painted around 1530, or just before that time, and you said the same thing when you saw it.

My client is considering the picture very seriously, and I feel sure that if you would be kind enough to write me a letter which I could show him, mentioning these facts, it would do the business.

People have grown terribly suspicious here, and I am afraid that certain authorities have been quoted by certain unreliable firms to boost their stock, and this has caused people to feel that they would like to see in black and white, what is told them.

I just got a letter from my cousin, Germain, in answer to mine in which I told him you had been kind enough to give us certificates for the Ravesteyn and the Mabuse, and he writes to me to express to you, his personal thanks at the first opportunity I will have.