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February 10th., 1925.

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Insittute of Art,
Detroit, Michigan.

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

Germain has sailed, and as I had just gotten back from Chicago where we were holding an exhibition, we could only exchange a few words.

As regards some arrangements he told me he has made with you about an exhibition to take place sometime in November in Detroit, it would be very kind of you to let me know if it would be convenient to have that exhibition in your Museum the last three weeks of November. 

While Mrs. Valentiner was in New York, I had the pleasure of seeing her.

When are coming over? We have just received something very extraordinary - an Italian plastic, which I would like to show you.

Hoping these lines will find you in good health, I beg you to believe me,

Yours very sincerely,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-17 09:05:51