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March 14th, 1929.

My dear Baron Pasavant,

Thank you for your letter of the 26th of February, which I will discuss with Mr. Seligmann who is just here for a few weeks. Today I only will let you have a few lines in regard to your tapestries.

The Van Dyke Exhibition is opening on April 2nd for a period of three weeks and I gave instructions to the Museum to have the tapestries labeled for sale. I myself shall be in Detroit on the 10th for about then days and I shall do my best to get some action on this matter.

Upon receipt of your cable, in which you agreed to the exhibition of your tapestries, I communicated with the office of Mr. Ehlers, whose Secretary told me that she has not received any instructions yet from you.

I trust this is satisfactory to you and I meanwhile remain, which my kindest regards,

Yours very sincerely,

Baron Hermann von Passavant,
Schloss Wilthube am Goldstein,
bei Frankfurt am Main,


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