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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT ARTS COMMISSION EDSEL B. FORD, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN ROBERT H. TANNAHILL EDGAR B. WITCOMB COMMISSIONERS W. R. VALENTINER ART DIRECTOR CLYDE H. BURROUGHS SECRETARY Wa February 11, 1929 Mr. R. H. Waegen, Jacques Seligmann and Company, 3 East 51st Street, New York City. Dear Mr. Waegen: Thank you for your letter of March 4. I wired you on March 9 that we shall be delighted to have the four tapestries of the Achilles series as a loan. The Van Dyck exhibition will open on April 2 and will continue three weeks. Are these tapestries for sale? How do you wish us to label them, as loaned by the firm, loaned by XXXX, or loaned anonymously? I find I am too busy just now to contemplate even a short trip to New York. Thanking you very much for your collaboration, I am Most sincerely yours, Adele C. Weibel J.H. Mrs. A. C. Weibel, Curator of Textiles ACQ:JH
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