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October 12, 1928

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Valentiner,

Your letter of October 9th has been referred to me as Mr. Germain Seligmann is not yet back in New York; in fact, I do not expect him back until the middle of November. As a matter of fact, I personally saw Mr. Tannahill when he called at the Palais Sagan and I likewise saw him when he came in here two or three weeks ago, so I am quite "au courant" with everything he saw and the things he liked.

Besides the stone virgin which as you write is a very difficult thing to transport, there were three other pieces that Mr. Tannahill suggested he would like to have for the exhibition.

The first was a reliquary of which you have a photograph, and I am herewith enclosing you a full description of it.

The second piece was a very rare group in carved wood, French work of the end of the 15th century of which I am likewise herewith enclosing you a description. Unfortunately, we have no photograph of this piece, but I am having a photograph taken and will forward it on to you in the course of the next few days.

The third item was an ivory diptych, but I showed Mr. Tannahill two of them when he came in to see me in Paris. One of them has just arrived in our last shipment, and I am herewith enclosing you a photograph of it together with a full description. I have an idea, however, that Mr. Tannahill preferred the other one which will not be here probably until the 25th or 26th of the month, and as I have no photograph of it and would probably have to have it photographed after its arrival, it occurred to me that this might be too late to be included in your catalogue, so I thought perhaps this other ivory would do just as well as 

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