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February 16, 1928

Dr. Walther Heil,
Detroit Institute of Art,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Heil,

Thank you very much for your kind lines of February 13th and the address of the Mathesons.

Apparently, there must have been a mistake in the address of your telegram, as, upon the arrival of your letter, I immediately made investigations and found that no telegram from Detroit had been received by us. 

As to the Benjamin WEST, I am sending you enclosed herewith a photograph on the back of which you will find full description. I should be very glad, indeed, if the Museum would be interested in this painting, but at the same time, I should ask you to be kind enough to show this photograph to Mrs. Edwin S. Barbour to whom I have written about it and who probably will ask you about it. I hope you will give the little boy a good hand. 

Regarding your visit to New York, I wish you would let me know a few days ahead when you are coming, so I won't book myself up completely and we can go out a few times together. 

As to my being back in New York, I did not mind my Detroit stay so very much, the only thing was the lack of regular business and my desk out of which I get great pleasure. 

How is your TITIAN exhibition getting along? If you have a chance, please do let me have a catalogue or any literature you have. 

As to your being lucky in love, my heartiest congratulations, but --- don't take it too seriously. It is good to have a few bachelors left after all. 

Hoping these lines find you in the best of health, I am, with all my kindest regards, 

Yours very sincerely,

(Rolf H. Waegen)

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 10:55:56 . ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-27 16:53:04