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RS ES   December 5, 1927

Dr. Walther Heil,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Heil,

We take the liberty to write to you to call your attention to three most unusual drawings that we have just brought over, unusual in as much as these drawings are on parchment, relieved with water colors and gouaches. Only the face of each is completely executed in paint. They are by the great contemporary of HOLBEIN and Joos van CLEEF, the so called master P.G., now identified as Peter GAERTNER, of the German School of the 16th century, painted around 1530, and which master's works became confused in various cases with the creations of his above mentioned contemporaries. 

Peter GAERTNER was court painter at the Bavarian Court and a great protégé of Count von der PFALZ. Many of his paintings are still in the possession of the Royal family of WITTELEBACH, especially that of Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria. Another great number of this master's works are in the NATIONAL MUSEUM of MUNICH.

The drawings we refer to come from the world famous collection of the Duke of ANHALT-DESSAU, on which we have had a complete study made by Professor A. BUCHNER of the Pinacothek, Munich.

We should appreciate very much if you would kindly let us know if these drawings are of interest to you, as we should be very glad to furnish you with further particulars and photographs, or we can easily have convenient arrangements made to have you see them.

Kindly remember us to Dr. Valentiner who we hope will soon be better, and with kind regards, believe us,

Yours very sincerely,


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 16:40:44