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October 29th, 1935.

My dear Mr. Richardson,

I am not sending you the photograph of the Segonzac which I found in Paris, as I have found another one in New York which is more of the shape you wanted, and which has also the advantage of being a lower price.

This Segonzac, which does not belong to us, is out on exhibition for another two weeks, but I am sending you the photograph in the meantime, so that you can show it to your friend.

As I wrote Mr. Tannahill quite some time ago, we have received recently some extremely fine pictures - two Van Gogh landscapes, one of which is a very large one - a very fine "blue" Picasso - a Seurat representing a seascape with two sailboats, dunes, and houses - and a Cézanne landscape, also very beautiful, which is one of the few pictures Cézanne ever signed.

I am wondering if you would like me to bring some of these pictures to Detroit. I would gladly do it, though maybe now would not be an adequate moment. With the Automobile Show beginning shortly, I wonder if a great many of your fellow-citizens will not be coming to this city?

I saw Dr. Frankfurter recently, and he told me also that you were coming here sometime in November. As I certainly want to be here at the time of your visit, won't you be kind enough to drop me a line to let me know what your plans are? By the same mail I am writing to Mr. Tannahill to enquire what his plans are, as I do not want to miss him in case he should come here.

Asking you to kindly remember me to Mrs. Richardson, and with my kindest regards,

Please believe me

Yours sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

E. P. Richardson, Esq.,
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Michigan.

Enclosed: photograph.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 11:10:52 .