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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT ARTS COMMISSION EDSEL B. FORD, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN ROBERT H. TANNAHILL EDGAR B. WHITCOMB COMMISSIONERS W. R. VALENTINER ART DIRECTOR CLYDE H BURROUGHS SECRETARY RS May 15, 1935. Mr. René Seligmann, Jacques Seligmann and Company, 3 East 51st Street, New York City. My dear Mr. Seligmann: Our Hubert Robert-Fragonard exhibition has come to a close, and we are shipping to you today the three paintings by Fragonard, which you were kind enough to let us have for the exhibition. The show was very successful and we are very grateful to you for your part in it. Dr. Valentiner is now in New York and you no doubt have seen him. Sincerely yours, Jane Himmelein Jane Himmelein Three paintings by Fragonard Portrait of Hobert Robert Fountain of Love Portrait of M. de la Breteche
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 11:21:56 .