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February 28th, 1933.

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

I am in receipt of your very kind lines of February 23rd, for which I thank you.

We are handing over this morning to Duveen Brothers the Portrait by CATENA, intended for your Exhibition, and I am sending you herein a photograph and on its back a description of same.

I deeply appreciate what you say about the little Bellini Portrait and feel flattered that you seem eager to have it for your show. However, after thinking it over carefully, I feel it wiser not to ship this painting to Detroit, the main reason being the present climatic conditions. As you know, it is painted on panel and though it is cradled, I always fear some cracking which on so small a painting might create great damage.

I certainly liked the idea you had of exhibiting it in a special show case in your best room, and hope you will believe me when I tell you that I am indeed sorry to have to come to this decision, the more so as I am convinced that, as usual, the exhibition you are organizing will be of the utmost interest and be a great success.

With my kindest wishes, believe me to be

Yours sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Michigan.

Enc. 1 Photograph

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